Venue Updates After Storm Eowyn

Most areas of Dean Castle Country Park have reopened. With the exception of the river path at the car park, all paths are now safe and can be used. Some debris in the form of branches and sticks remain so please take extra care across the park. 
The Dick Institute gallery will remain closed until further notice due to storm damage. The museum, library and cafe are open as normal.

Creative Museum & Gallery Trails

Self-led Creative Trails around the museums and galleries for Early Level.

Your group can follow our fun, interactive creative trails exploring objects and displays linking to heritage and visual art topics such as the Robert Burns, Ayrshire industries, Natural History and Geology and Art & Design.

Trails change regularly (approx. every term) and cover a range of themes. Please check that the Trails are available by emailing us before your visit. A list of downloadble trails are available below 

Baird Institute Trail
Burns House Museum Trail
Timorous Beasties, Burns House Museum 
Dick Institute Loom Room Activity Sheet
Museum Stories
Muckle & Wee Trail at the Dick Institute
Dick Institute Object Hunt Activity Sheet 
Dick Institute Puzzling Monkey Trail 

Location: Baird Institute - Cumnock Burns House Museum - Mauchline & Dick Institute - Kilmarnock

Cost for East Ayrshire schools: Free

Cost for schools outwith East Ayrshire: Free

Contact email:


Baird Institute Trail Burns House Museum Trail Timorous Beasties The Welcome Table, Burns House Museum Loom Room Activity Sheet, Dick Institute Museum Stories Muckle And Wee Trail, Dick Institute Object Hunt Activity Sheet, Dick Institute Puzzling Monkey Trail, Dick Institute