WEATHER WARNING - Due to the forecast of winds of 70mph - 80mph, Annanhill Golf Course will be closed on Friday. As ever during weather warnings please follow advice form the MET office when using our outdoor spaces and Dean Castle Country Park.
*Darvel Library will be closed - on Thur 23rd & Fri 24 January. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Current Exhibits
Somewhere To Stay, Diana Forster
A story of forced displacement
Somewhere To Stay is an exhibition of artworks by Diana Forster, which explores a story of forced migration through installation, sculpture and print.
This exhibition by Diana Forster, explores a story of forced migration through installation, sculpture and print. It depicts the extraordinary journey and different kinds of shelter endured by Polish deportees and the huge contribution Polish exiles have made in the decades since WWII to the communities where they settled. The laser-cut images of the story panels were influenced by the traditional Polish craft of paper cutting (wycinanki) and the cast shadows that add another dimension to the artwork, suggest the idea of the ‘long shadow of war’. Access Free Tues - Sat.
Remembering Together: Tales from the Tipi
Visit an immersive exhibition in the Young People’s Gallery to experience Tales from the Tipi, a joyful celebration of life and community
Remembering Together is a national programme commissioning artists to co-create memorials with communities. The programme is about creating together, being part of a process to commemorate those who have lost their lives, those who have experienced loss and change as well as celebrating the ways in which Scottish communities have come together during the most difficult times.
Community. Hugs. Laughter. Support. Expression. Creativity. Freedom.
Remembering Together is delivered by greenspace scotland at the request of Scottish Government.