*Newmilns Library will be open 9am-4pm Monday-Friday during week beginning 31st March
*Darvel Library will be closed from Thurs 27th March, reopening Tues 15th April.
We apologise for any inconvenience. 

Remembering Together: Tales from the Tipi

Remembering Together: Tales from the Tipi

Visit an immersive exhibition in the Young People’s Gallery to experience Tales from the Tipi, a joyful celebration of life and community

In 2022, Paul Brunton of Rock 'n' Role Models and Eileen Frater of Prancing Jack Productions were commissioned as Lead Artists for the Remembering Together project. The commission, facilitated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator for East Ayrshire Council's Creative Minds Team, aimed to explore how the people of East Ayrshire could best commemorate their experiences during lockdown.

Remembering Together is a national programme commissioning artists to co-create memorials with communities.  The programme is about creating together, being part of a process to commemorate those who have lost their lives, those who have experienced loss and change as well as celebrating the ways in which Scottish communities have come together during the most difficult times.

Five communities were chosen, with schools at their heart, as well as the Alzheimer’s Scotland and Break the Silence charities in Kilmarnock. In the safe and harmonious environment of a tipi, people began for the first time, post Lockdown, to creatively engage with musical instruments and to sing and tell their individual stories.

When asked about an appropriate Covid Memorial they answered, “More of this!”  Engaging with friends, family and colleagues through the creative arts.

Community. Hugs. Laughter. Support. Expression. Creativity. Freedom.

In true Ayrshire spirit, there was a desire for a Living Memorial, not a sombre monument, but a joyful celebration of life, a “Time Machine” for a year lost.


Remembering Together is delivered by greenspace scotland at the request of Scottish Government.


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