Celebrating a year of giving with Marie Curie.
East Ayrshire Leisure celebrates a year of giving with Marie Curie.
Marie Curie who provide care and support through terminal illness was East Ayrshire Leisure’s Charity of Choice in 2023 and to mark such a wonderful partnership daffodils were planted in two of East Ayrshire Leisure’s flagship venues Dean Castle Country Park and the Dick Institute.
Daffodils were adopted by Marie Curie in 1986 and are now one of the most recognisable symbols of new hope. “Daffodils in bloom are one of the first signs of spring. They're strong, resilient flowers that pop up year after year and they're a symbol of new beginnings.”
Great thanks go out to both Ayrshire College and The Friends of the Dean who were instrumental in the planting project as Ayrshire College donated the bulbs and sent out a team of students to plant the bulbs at Dean Castle Country Park. The Friends of The Dean went along to the Dick Institute and planted bulbs there.
When spring comes it will also bring with it renewed hope as we remember those who are and have fought cancer as we see the little yellow buds of hope emerge as the daffodils grow year after year.
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