*The South Mobile is currently not in service. Please don’t place holds on stock from South Mobile during this period.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.  

Core Paths

*A contractor has now been appointed to undertake the remedial work required on the Ochiltree section of the Lugar Water Trail. We are working with them on a start date for these works to commence towards the end of August. It is anticipated this will take approximately 8 weeks to complete. A temporary closure order under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, is in place to allow for the works to be undertaken and will be removed when the works are complete, thereafter the route will be fully reopened.
We appreciate the frustration and inconvenience this closure has caused and look forward to getting this back into operation for all to use.

The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 places a number of duties on local authorities, one of which is to produce a Core Path Plan. This duty ensures that local authorities provide a system of paths that will give the public reasonable access through and across the surrounding landscape. 

East Ayrshire’s Core Path Plan was adopted on 5 November 2008 - it is currently subject to review and further updates and details relating to the planned consultation exercise will be available in due course.

Although there is no specific standard for core paths, here in East Ayrshire, we view them as strategic routes that connect a network of destinations, settlements, towns and communities. Core paths are the links that the people of East Ayrshire will regularly use for journeys such as travelling to work, for visiting family and friends, or for visiting neighbouring towns and communities. They will also be used for recreational activities.

Throughout Scotland core paths will generally be designed as shared use and suitable for all walkers, cyclists and horse riders; however not all of them will be suitable for every ability which can be due to location or proximity to livestock. There will be some on water to provide recreational opportunities to kayakers and canoeists.

In essence, a core path is chosen not for how many people are able to use it or for its physical quality, but instead for the value of its location and route destination. They must be of significant value to visitors, local communities and land owners.

You can view the maps of the current Core Path Plan using the maps link below. To find the core path plan routes, click on the + icon next to the Leisure link and then click core path routes.

View Core Paths Online 

If you would like to view a hard copy of the Core Path Plan, please email us 

Click the links below to view more information on individual Core Paths within East Ayrshire. Details on local path networks will be available soon.