*Due to a yellow weather warning for strong winds and rain on Sunday, Annanhill Golf Course will be closed. Please also take care when using any of our outdoor spaces such as Dean Park, Dean Castle Country Park and our path networks.
*Due to works scheduled for Darvel Town Hall Mon 24 Feb, Tots sessions on Tues 25 Feb & Tues 4 March are now cancelled.  

Organisational Growth

Following a period of extensive consultation and engagement with employees, Trade Unions, and stakeholders the following services will transfer to East Ayrshire Leisure from 1st April 2025.

  • Vibrant Communities 
  • Corporate and Community Catering Services
  • The Galleon Centre 

Instrumental Music Service and Creative Minds Service will transfer from August 2026.

Vibrant Communities, Instrumental Music, Creative Minds and Corporate and Community Catering services make a significant contribution in supporting our communities in East Ayrshire and the current levels of service delivery will be retained and will in no way negatively impact young people’s experiences or work within communities. The transfer of these services will remove them from potential budget cuts as the Council moves into an incredibly challenging financial period.

The transfer of the Galleon Leisure Centre to East Ayrshire Leisure Trust will also take place from April 2025 and a trading subsidiary will be established as part of the East Ayrshire Leisure Growth Plan.The transfer of Corporate and Community Catering Services are key to the success of this as we look to expand our business profile to include greater food and beverage offers alongside events, skills and training, residential holidays and other commercial opportunities. The opportunity for greater commercialisation and new business streams will allow reinvestment in all facilities, programmes and activities for our communities.

Previous consultation about the transfer of services took place in October 2024 and the results can be viewed via the link below.

View the survey results

Further community engagement sessions to talk about the transfer of these services are underway and you can also give your feedback via the survey link below.

Complete the Survey Here 

Community Roadshows have been planned for April and May 2026 where there will be the opportunity to engage with staff, find out more about services, provide feedback and ask questions

Galleon Leisure Centre, Kilmarnock  Wed 23 April  6pm - 8pm
St Joseph's Leisure Centre, Kilmarnock  Sat 26 April  1pm - 3pm
Barony Sports Village, Cumnock Tues 29 April  6pm - 8pm
Morton Hall, Newmilns  Thurs 1 May 3pm - 5pm
Doon Valley Community Centre, Dalmellington Wed 7 May  6pm - 8pm
Stewarton Area Centre Thurs 8 May  3pm - 5pm