*Due to a yellow weather warning for strong winds and rain on Sunday, Annanhill Golf Course will be closed. Please also take care when using any of our outdoor spaces such as Dean Park, Dean Castle Country Park and our path networks.
*Due to works scheduled for Darvel Town Hall Mon 24 Feb, Tots sessions on Tues 25 Feb & Tues 4 March are now cancelled.  

Use of Photography

From time to time when you visit one of our venues or facilities, staff may wish to take some pictures or videos for use in future East Ayrshire Leisure publications, on our website or social media platforms and you will be asked to complete a media permissions form to allow us to use these images if you haven’t done so previously.

There will also be occasions when official East Ayrshire Leisure photographers may be present at our events. If you do not wish to be photographed, please notify the photographer when photographs are being taken.